5 Popular Sports and Fitness Activities for Elderly Citizens

Sports and Fitness for Elderly Citizens - Elderly care to stay fit
Sports and fitness activities for elderly citizens

Being old doesn’t mean that you are starting a sedate, lethargic, and lacklustre life. Rather it is a solid reason to start an active lifestyle and involve yourself in things which you love most. It is time for you to follow your passion forsinging, painting, playing the organ, or traveling.A fit body and a fresh mind can be a real booster to pursue your favourite hobbies.

According to the annual report (2019) of the World Health Organization, an elderly citizen requires a minimum tenure of one hour of sports and physical activities.Activities like swimming, Yoga, Aerobics, cycling, polo per day are good for a healthy body.
Here we will discuss5 popular sports and fitness activities for elderly citizens.
Pursuing your passion in the second half of your life is important. Happy surrounding and enthusiastic participation decrease your stress level from your daily life.


30 minutes of regular walking can increase cardiovascular fitness and decrease the rate of different cardiac arrests. Walking is the top most popular physical activity for the elderly. Regular walking (even in a treadmill) helps you to keep your body healthy. It enhances muscular movements, strengthens your bones, decreases stress levels. It also prevents obesity.

Why should you choose walking in your daily life?

It is very important to spend quality time with your own company in the second half of your life. Try to discover the unopened chapters of your life and take the delight of it. Walking is not only a good exercise but also a refreshing and recharging event of your daily routine.
The World Health Organization claimed that 10 thousand steps every day help you to increase cardiac capacity and blood circulation. It is infactvery important for an elderly person.  Often the rate of cardiac arrests and manyother complications are found in that elderly persons who are not in the habit of regular walking.
        Walking in the fresh air might be a wonderful beginning of your day. It 
        has a psychological benefit of exercise for elderly citizens. Maximum time aging causes psychological issues like depression. Regular walking can increase the rate of oxygen consumption in the brain-cells which helps to prevent depression. Walking doesn’t require any extra investment. Just take a comfortable walking shoe, a water bottle and a cell phone for emergenciesmaybe a walking stick for some and you are good to go.

        Regular walking tips for you

        It is not so difficult to find 30 minutes for walking from 24 hours. If you don’t want to walk 30 minutes continuously then break it into some small parts. Regular walking into your daily lifestyle plan in some most effective ways like:
       Avail public transport and get off one stop before and walk the rest distance.
       Try to avoid car availing while go for shopping in the local market. Try to cover the distance by walking.
       If there is a park near your residence then make a plan for a regular morning walk with a couple of enthusiastic neighbours.
       Walk with your (pet) dog or your neighbour’s dog. It might be a loving experience for your daily life.
       To enhance the walking performance, you can wear a pedometer while walking. It shows how many steps you covered.
         Walking can also make a perfect mental attachment with your life-partner in the fragrance of morning air. Get those romantic days back and give a deep hug to your soulmate every morning and start your day in a pleasant mood.


Sports activity for the elderly such as swimming another exciting option to stay healthy. Swimming has a handful of health benefits mainly for elderly citizens who are suffering from chronic conditions such as asthma, cardiac diseases, arthritis, diabetesand joint pain.

Healthy benefits of Swimming for the elderly

       Increases your pulmonary fitness
       Reduces the probability of heart attack, stroke, and cerebral attacks
       Increases muscle endurance and strength
       Reduces unnecessary body fat and keep you healthy
       Swimming tones your outer body part and muscles
       Improves your flexibility, balance, proper coordination and body posture even you are 65+
       Provide apleasant and shortest way to cool down on the summer days.
Apart from muscle strength and cardiovascular health, swimming also provides physical relaxation by gently massaging your entire body. It gives a complete workout to enhance the immunity power in your old age. You can burn more calories during a swimming session. Water is 800 times denser than air; your every single movement in the water is more effective than the air. 
Do not hesitate to swim for your age. It is a low impact sport for elderly citizens which may bring a lot of health benefits and great pleasure in your daily life.

            Before starting a swimming session, you need to keep in mind:

       Make sure that you know the process of swimming
       Select a safe and comfortable environment before diving in
       Do a bit ofwarm-up and stretch your joints and muscles before entering the pool
       Consult your physician and elderly sports club if you already have any physical complication
       Don’t overdo it the beginning stage
       Take plenty of balanced diet and water regularly
Just because of your age, it doesn’t mean that you have to limit yourself and not participate in a pleasant swimming session like your young neighbours.


‘Yoga’ the term refers to a spiritual connection with your inner soul and outer world through your proper body movement. Always a flow of cosmic energy exists in our surroundings which insistson us to make a healthy physical and psychological life.

Is Yoga meant only for youngsters?

Absolutely not. Yoga, a 5000 years old tradition is as beneficial to seniors like youngsters. It refreshes your spirit and mind. Ittones your muscles and body, keeps the hormonal secretions in a balanced form. It also prevents the possibility of elderly complexes.
With a quotation from the famous Yoga master Shri Ravi Shankar, we are starting our core discussion.
“The Sanskrit term Yoga means a study of life, a study of your mind, breath, intellect, memory and also your inner faculties.”
This ancient Indian technique is highly appreciable low impact sports for the elderly citizens. A large number of physical care units for the elderly include Yoga in their list of the ‘games for the elderly in nursing homes’.
Today the whole world becomes aware of the benefits of this physical activity and consider seated sports for seniors.Chair Yoga is becoming one of the popular physical activity among senior citizensfor its surprising results.
Now you have an option to invest yourvaluable time and contact a local elderly sports club or a personal trainer to experience the power of Yoga.

Areas it covers

      Core muscle: Different types of Yoga poses areincluded in the routineto strengthen thestiff muscles. This can cure your inflexibility, lethargy and muscle pains.
      Lungs and heart:There are some specificYogaposes, thatcan enhancethe function of lungs and heart.These Yoga poses can thereby decrease the chances of any cardiac issues.
      Joints: Joint pain, Osteoarthritis are two common problems faced by elderly citizenswhich can be effectively reduced with regular Yoga sessions. 

Different forms of Yoga especially for the elderly:

Hatha: Hatha combines a special series of some basic movements with proper breathing. It is the most common Yoga and is preferred as an indoor exercise to for the elderly in nursing homes. 
Vikrama: Vikrama is a series of 26 numbers of different challenging poses which are usually performed in a high-temperature room. It is highly effective for those elderly peoples who are constantly suffering from Ortho diseases.
Vinyasa: A series of smooth poses of arms and legs to keep the flexibility of your body even in old age.
Ashtanga: 8 different ‘Asana’ or seating posture with proper breathing rhythm is known as ‘Ashtanga. This form of Yoga is recommended for those seniors who are suffering from psychological problems regarding physical issues. 
In this graph, we found the gradually increasing rate of healthy-life of elderly citizens after completing the Yoga sessions.


Due to a lack of exercise in the elderly community, doctors have faced a handful of geriatric cases every year. To stayhealthy in the second half of your life, you need to follow some proper guidance. Along with a proper diet and sufficient hydration, some physical activities are always beneficial for you. 
Cyclingis one such globally accepted sports activities for the elderlythat will take care of your physical flexibility. Apart from a hobby, it can also beregular workout. It helps you to prevent cardiac and ortho issues.

Main benefits of cycling for the elderly
       Low impact: Cycling is one of thelow impact sports for the elderly. When you are cycling, your entire body moves in a smooth and rhythmic motion which doesn’t overstress on your body.
       Weight loss: Do you face over-weight or obesity in your elder age? We recommend, you to start cycling as early as possible. Weight loss is a serious problem for seniorsand cycling is an ideal way to stay fit and active.
       Cardiac protection: Heart diseases, heart attacks, and stroke are the most common issues for elderly citizens globally. It might increase the death rate among them. Cycling for 30 minutes can keep these ailments at a safe distance from you. It is one of the best ways to increase the capacity of your heart. Constant rhythmic movementwhile cyclinghelps the cells to oxygenate properly.

    5.Water Aerobic

There are multiple ways to stay active as an elderly person and it is not so difficult to include physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise in the water is a great way to prevent your ortho problems as well as coughing issues. Any kind of joint pain simply rushes away by water aerobics. So, don’t waste your time and engage yourself with an unopened journey.

Why Water Aerobic is effective for an elderly citizen?
According to the geriatric care unit of WHO, Water Aerobic is one of the most beneficial Physical sports activities for elderly citizens.
       It increases your body flexibility surprisingly.
       Water Aerobics can improve the functions of the lungs and heart and prevent multiple cardiac diseases
       It relieves your joint pain and symptoms of Arthritis.
       To prevent blood circulatory problems, Water Aerobic is the best among all others.
        Aerobic enlightened your mental outlook in an effective way.
       Water pressure helps you to increase your balancing ability and prevent the chances of falling on your daily life
Some safety tips for you during participate in Water Aerobic session
       Before joining an Aerobic session, you need to consult your physician because it is important to know your physical condition before starting a new journey.
       Contact an elderly sports club to start your journey safely.
       Always try to maintain the instruction of your coach to perform safely as well as properly
       Don’t try to overdo it the beginning stage
       Take plenty of balanced diet and water regularly

At the last point of our discussion, we can say that from the age of 60 maximum numbers of elderly citizens are facing multiple complications. But the recommended sports and fitness activities for seniors can be beneficial for maintaining a fit and healthy body.  Becoming old doesn’t mean that your activities become bracketed. The time has come to change your typical thoughts and reorganized them.
