Tips for caring elderly parents due to seasonal changes

Tips for caring elderly parents due to seasonal changes

caring elderly parents

‘Health is Wealth’. We often hear this term and proudly ignore it. In the pressure of daily life, it has gradually become impossible for us to manage time to take care of our health. However, if it comes to elderly people in your house including your parents or grandparents or anyone else, taking care of their health is necessary. Especially, in this time of Covid-19, caring elderly parents come under one of your most important duties during seasonal changes.
In the time of seasonal changes, several health hazards (Physical and Mental) such as fever, winter blues, etc can easily affect elderly people. However, you can follow certain tips while caring elderly parents to ensure their safety during seasonal changes.

Take care of the diet

Eating a balanced diet is necessary for the elderly people in your house to keep them mentally and physically active during seasonal variation.

     Eating healthy is a natural way to boost immunity that prevents cold and flues.
     Make sure to add fruit and green vegetables to the diet while caring elderly parents. Fruits are a great source of vitamin ‘C’ and green vegetables are a great source of vitamin.
     A balanced diet with an equal proportion of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals is easy to digest and gives them the strength to fight against bacteria and viruses naturally.

Keep them active

With seasonal changes comes sleepiness and elderly people often feel lethargic and empty mood. While caring elderly parents, you have to make sure that they are physically active. Taking care of old parents also means that you have to motivate them to exercise at least one time a day.

     Morning walk is a great variation of cardio workout that increases blood circulation.
     If your parents can’t go outside, you can help them to perform simple yoga and different breathing exercise that is great for the heart and brain.
     Performing at least a minimal amount of physical exercise helps them to be active; ensure flexibility in the joints, etc. Be sure to add physical movement to your list while caring for older parents.
Help your parents to stay hydrated as well as warm
Caring elderly parents is not an easy job. You have to make sure that they drink enough water. Caring for ageing parents also involves the process of keeping them warm in winter that prevents Hypothermia.
     Seniors get easily attacked by different health conditions. Drinking enough water and keeping your parents warm in winter naturally prevents several diseases.
     Caring elderly parents also involves the process of keeping the room temperature even to make their body temperature normal.
     Make sure that your parents are not drinking chilled water. You should ensure that they drink room temperature water or lukewarm water.
Help them in mind stimulation 
You need to help your parents to socialize that prevents Seasonal Affective Disorder or winter blues.
     Socializing helps them in mental stimulation.
     You can supply them with good books to read.
     Games like Sudoku, Scrabble, crosswords puzzles, etc help them to stay mentally alert.

These are the basic tips you can follow while caring elderly parents in your house. However, you can even take professional help for taking care of elderly parents. Dealing with ageing parents does not just end with hiring a professional carer. What our dear elderly parents need the most is our utmost care, love and quality time
